How SELVO MCB Distribution Boards Ensure Electrical Safety

In the domain of electrical systems, reliability and performance are non-negotiable. 
What features ensure the reliability of MCB distribution boards? How does SELVO, a renowned name in electrical solutions, address these concerns?
These boards play a pivotal role in safeguarding against electrical faults and optimizing energy distribution efficiency. With a reputation built on precision engineering and stringent quality control, SELVO has emerged as a trusted name in the industry. SELVO MCB Distribution Boards stand as a cornerstone in ensuring uninterrupted electrical supply across various settings—from homes to industrial complexes. 
In previous blogs we learned about the importance of SELVO MCB , RCCB & Isolators .
In this blog, we delve into the world of SELVO MCB Distribution Boards, exploring their design, features, and how they uphold performance standards to ensure uninterrupted electrical supply in diverse applications.

Understanding SELVO MCB Distribution Boards

SELVO MCB Distribution Boards serve as pivotal components in electrical systems, effectively managing and distributing electrical power while ensuring safety against overload and short circuits. These boards integrate MCBs, which act as switches that automatically trip when they detect abnormalities in the electrical circuit, thereby protecting connected appliances and equipment from damage.

In the context of MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) Distribution Boards, SPN (Single Pole and Neutral) and TPN (Triple Pole and Neutral) are terms used to describe the configuration and functionality of the boards. 
SPN implies for the application in Single phase whereas TPN implies for the application in Three phase . 


SELVO Presents SPN distribution boards to accomodate MCB . They are aesthetically designed which varies in sizes depending on the size of property and how many circuits are being controlled inside consumer unit . There are number of ways criteria to select the D.B. as per number of loads present . 
SELVO SPN MCB distribution box are available in 4 ways , 6 ways , 8 ways , 10 ways , 12 ways & 16 ways . 
 There are main types of distribution boards, namely, single door distribution board and double door distribution board.
Single door distribution boards are installed in relatively simple applications 
On the other hand, double door distribution board used for heavy-duty operations and are majorly used in commercial applications.

SINGLE DOOR DISTRIBUTION BOARDS : Here are the link to view the products on amazon 



MCB Distribution Boards


TPN MCB distribution boards refer to Three-Phase and Neutral Miniature Circuit Breaker distribution boards. These are electrical distribution boards designed to distribute electrical power in three-phase systems, typically found in industrial and commercial settings.

There are main types of distribution boards, namely, single door distribution board and double door distribution board.
Single door distribution boards are installed in relatively simple applications , 
On the other hand, double door distribution board used for heavy-duty operations and are majorly used in commercial applications. 
These are available in 4 ways , 6 ways , 8 ways & 12 ways configuration to meet various load demands and perform efficiently as per standards 



Wiring diagram for 6 ways & 8 ways

MCB Distribution boards

The wirings diagram shown above for two different types of number of ways in a TPN distribution board is an rough idea to show that in such way the wirings or dressing of mcb distribution boars are done . These are installed everywhere from complexes to industries to residence to meet our load demands and at the same time MCB’s fitted protect us from harmful faults like short circuits and overcurrents . 
The fault can be diagnosed easily as the installation and repair process is simple , whenever an MCB’s found to be faulty , it can be replaced by first switching off the main  switch or isolator ( Four pole isolator ) to prevent any from electrical shock or any current leakage . After than the MCB can be replaced and it is ready to operate again . 


SELVO MCB Distribution Boards stand as pillars of electrical safety, offering robust protection against faults and overloads. Their innovative design and adherence to safety standards guarantee peace of mind for homeowners and professionals alike. Choosing SELVO ensures not just reliability but a proactive approach to safeguarding electrical systems effectively.

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